Poètiques de la destrucció

Laia Noal

Nasevo Award 2021 Winner

12.01.2023 - 10.02.2023

"Poètiques de la destrucció" is a project in which Laia Noal reflects the relationship that humans maintain with nature through the landscape, exploring how we perceive, represent, fragment, artificialize and destroy it.

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When we are presented with the word landscape, we usually imagine a natural landscape in a horizontal and static format.

But the term landscape includes all kinds of landscapes: natural, industrial, urban, underwater and even cosmic.On the other hand, neither the landscape nor our perception are static. Light activates the landscape, constantly transforms it. Our perception can only capture fragments of this perpetual transformation and it does so through all the senses, not just view, and at human scale, recording all the details of the landscape.

This multiple, macro, micro and multisensorial perception leads to the creation of a landscape of one’s own, involving images, temperatures, textures, smells and, to a lesser extent, tastes as well.This leads me to reflect on how landscape can be perceived and represented and approach it in different ways. Verticalizing it, working on the basis of fragmentation involving elements that are present in the landscape, artificializing it and searching for the seed of the future in destruction.

- Laia Noal, 2023

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Laia Noal

Laia Noal's work revolves around the investigation of our relationship with nature, focusing on the construction we make of the landscape and the dialogue we establish with the environment.

Currently, Laia is an artist resident at Assaig 7. In 2021, Laia wons Nasevo’s International Adward (Fundació Ernesto Ventós), the Fundació Vila Casas’s Sculpture Adward, the Agbar Adward of Barcelona City. In 2019, she exposed her solo show "Retorn a l’origen” in Cultural space. Tiana, Barcelona, Spain.

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  • "Poetics of destruction" by Jordi Garrido

  • Laia Noa'ls interview - Vida Verde Podcast
