Xavi Bou


Xavi’s 2015 debut of Ornithographies instantly caught the attention of international publications and collectors, and his work has since been published in National Geographic, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Geo, and Sonntag, among many others.

Xavi has exhibited Ornithographies in Australia, Holland, The United States, Spain, Switzerland, France, Russia, and Greece.

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Xavi Bou’s grandfather instilled in him a passion for nature from the time he was a little boy. That passion impelled Xavi toward the natural sciences, and in 2003 he graduated with a degree in Geology from the University of Barcelona. In 2004 he went on to complete his studies in photography, and for the next decade, Xavi worked in the advertisement and fashion industry combining it with teaching photography.

However, Xavi’s love of nature was always present, so in 2012 he embarked on Ornithographies; photography inspired by his curiosity about the invisible patterns traced by birds in flight.

“My intention is to capture the beauty of the bird’s flight in a single moment, making the invisible visible. Ornithographies moves away from the purely scientific practice of Chronophotography that 19th-century photographers Eadward Muybridge and Étienne Julies Marey developed. It is the balance between art and science, a project of naturalist discovery, and, at the same time, an exercise of visual poetry.” - Xavi Bou



> Fundació Carmen & Lluís Bassat. Spain
> Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain. Alsace. France
> Museum of American Bird Art at Mass Audubon. Massachusetts. USA
> Dawn Art Collection. London. UK
> Fundació Vila Casas. Spain
> University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics permanent art collection. USA
> Contemporary Art Center. Mijas. Spain
> Private collectors around 27 countries


> 2025. Solo show. Espai Casinet. Masnou. Spain
> 2024. Solo show. Galeria Senda. Barcelona. Spain
> 2022. Goup show. Cervells. CCCB. Barcelona. Spain
> 2022. Solo show. Galerie des Halles. Louvain la Neuve. Belgium
> 2022. Solo show. Delta Birding Festival. Spain
> 2022. Solo show. Galeria LAB 36. Barcelona. Spain
> 2022. Solo show. Scotiabank Contact Photo Festival. The Cardinal Gallery. Toronto. Canada
> 2022. Group show, from 30/04. Traces. Momath. New York. USA
> 2022. Solo show. La Chambre gallery. Strasbourg. France
> 2021. Solo show. Zingst Photo Festival. Max Hunter Haus gallery. Germany
> 2021. Solo show. KANT Festival. Thisted. Denmark
> 2021. Screening. ForadCamp. Spain
> 2021. Solo show. Cosmocaixa. Barcelona. Spain
> 2021. Solo show. Luminic Photo Festival. Spain
> 2021. Solo show. La Destil·leria Art Gallery. Mataró. Spain
> 2020. Group show. L’Illot Sauvage. Renne. France
> 2020. Solo show. KANT Festival. Thisted. Denmark
> 2020. Solo show. Mazier University. Saint Brieuc. France
> 2020. Solo show. Phyletisches Museum. Jena. Germany
> 2019. Solo show. Université de Rennes. France
> 2019. Solo show. Centro Fotográfico Alvarez Bravo. Oaxaca. Mexico
> 2019. Group Show. Bath House Cultural Center. Dallas. US