
Clàudia Vives-Fierro & Isabel García-Munté

02.03.2022 - 09.03.2022

#Womenartists was born from the idea of the gender gap that exists in the art world, from history books, to the presence of women in exhibition halls or museums.

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There are movements such as #not30% that were presented at "The Other Art Fair" in London, a protest against the discrimination of women in the art world. The name comes from the fact that, at most, the presence of women does not reach 30% compared to the presence of male artists in public spaces.

The exhibition presents 65 portraits of national and international women artists. Vives-Fierro and García-Munté have intentionally painted them with a visual reference to the work of the artist to whom they are dedicated.

An alphabet soup invites and challenges the public to answer the question: who is able to find names of women artists in the alphabet soup? Is it a game? Or an action that actively forces us to make an effort to reflect, to become aware, to recognize? To do justice.

As an echo, the sound installation recites the endless list of so many women artists.

The intention of #WomenArtsits is that the names of the artists give way to be in the public domain and awaken interest in their work in the same way that so many male names do.

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Clàudia Vives-Fierro

Her art has been exemplified by paintings, engravings, sculptures, photographs, video art pieces, DJ performances and Sound Art.

Recently, Clàudia has been finalist of the Vila Casas Photography Prize.

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Isabel García-Munté

Isabel García-Munté lives in Barcelona. In 2004, she made her first solo exhibition at the gallery "Utópicos" in Manresa and has participated in solo and group exhibitions.
She has exhibited at the SWAB art fairs in Barcelona, Hybrid Arte Fair in Madrid or Under the Subway Video Arte Fair. In 2018 she won the "Award for the best Catalan artist" of the Lluís Coromina Foundation.

  • Article about the exhibition
